Nov 03, 2004 13:08
Ok, I am going to utilize my five minutes on a soap box. I don't get on one often or ever, but I think that this topic deserves some soapbox time. PS.--This is in no way a reflection of how I voted at all. Just my thoughts.
Alright, yesterday and last night,we had the election. During which, the youth of the nation were handed a chance of a lifetime: the ability to change our administration and have our say in what goes on in our nation regarding the war, the economy, our own education, and other issues. What did we do? NOTHING! That's right. NOTHING! A pitiful 17% of us voted. 17%. What the heck people? If you want change, DO SOMETHING! You couldn't get home to vote? Um, I am sorry but I think your profs would understand if you miss class to go home and vote. Seriously! I really think they would. And what would missing once in a class do to you? Do you realize that in four years we'll be out of school and our jobs may not be there? Do you care about the war in Iraq? I am sorry but we need vote if we want change. If you don't vote, regardless of whom you vote for, nothing will change. FYI: If I hear you complaining about the president and what he is doing in the next four years and I ask you if you voted and you say no, then prepare to get bitch at by me. You don't have a right to complain if you didn't vote. I warned you.
As far as solving this problem, we really need to do something about educating new voters about absentee ballots and whatnot. People need to be told that in order to vote in a presidental election, they have to vote in person or vote in a previous election. This needs to be changed because not everyone can get home to vote. We need to be able to vote via absentee ballots. If not, they need to cancel all schools even colleges so that students can get home to vote in person. Or maybe this is a conspiracy to prevent the youth of the nation from voting. Either way, it NEEDS to be changed.
Proposal 2: What the heck people? Do gay civil unions really affect you? Don't get me wrong. I don't agree with gays being allowed to marry, but what right do we have to tell them how to live thier life? Can you say discrimination? I mean how does gay marriage affect us? If they aren't hitting on us, they aren't bothering us. How do civil unions affect us? They don't. Insurance isn't affected. If it didn't pass, it would not have changed anything. It would not have made gay marriage legal in Michigan. I am sorry, but we do not have the right to tell other people how to live thier life. If you don't like it, look the other way. It's like someone telling you you can't date the person you like or can't dress the way you want. Is that fair?
Proposal 1: Excuse me! What the heck? I am sorry but the people living in the U.P. have no right telling me that another casino should go in in Detroit. It doesn't affect them so why do they have a say? Hey! Let's be cool and tell the other side of the state what to do and screw them over. Yeah! That's cool. Do you seriously want to be voting every two weeks over every stupid little change in gambling laws? Way to waste money and put the state more in debt. I am sorry but now tuition will hike because more state cuts will be made to provide the money for this. STUPID! All I have to say!
Ok, so I am glad the election is over and I hope the best person won. I am just not happy with the way it went down in terms of voting and people simply being stupid. People need to stop voting with their hearts and emotions and vote with their heads. GRRR!!!
Ok, I'm good now. Stepping down off the soap box. These are simply some thoughts and are not an indication as to what party I voted for, but well, you can obviously tell which way I went on the proposals. : ) Have a good day and hopefully--knock on wood--these next four years will not bring more wars (aka South Vietnam or Iran) and a better economy.