Whew...what a week!

Aug 28, 2004 10:41

Wow! What a week! Talk about an emotional and phyisically trying week. I guess I'll just start with Wednesday and work my way to today.

Wednesday, I started helping people move in at 8:30 am and didn't stop until my roomie, Amy, got here at 3 pm. I only took a half in hour break for lunch, which wasn't really a lunch. Some of the parents and kids were amazed that I had so much energy and was still helping at 3 pm because of the heat. It was at least 80 degrees out and humid as all get out. I was covered in sweat by like 9 am. At times, I had no idea how I was going to keep going because I would double over in pain gasping for breath because of the heat. I messed up my left ankle and the outside of my leg while helping, but it is getting better so it's all good. I enjoyed helping everyone move in because now people in the hall recongize me and will stop and talk, which is nice. Makes the hall seem more like a community. Amy is totally cool and awesome. I mean, she's sitting here singing to oldies as I write this, so I'm sure we'll have a good time this year.

Thursday, Amy and I headed out to get her books and then to an intermural sports meeting. I was going to get lunch after that but got held up by a phone call from Alan. We talked for over a half in hour and it was nice. It was like we were best friends again. No strained moments, no arguing, or fighting. Just talking and joking around like we used to. It was nice. I was afriad of his phone call which I knew was coming because I was afraid that he would be a "sympathy" friend, but after talking to him, I realized I had nothing to worry about. It was nice to talk to him again and I hope that things stay like this when he gets up here. After a great dinner made by Amy (awesome sweet and sour chicken) and some bonding time with Lindsey, I headed down to Maria and Ash's room and walked in on Adam, one of the guys from across the hall, serendading them with "we were merely freshman" on his guitar. Oh my gosh! Totally took my breath away. He's sooo good. I was in awe. After that, we headed out to Meijer Madness, which well..not to be redunant...it was madness. But Christine, Maria, and I got to introduce Adam and his roommate Bryan to country music. The rides to and from Meijer's were a complete blast!

Today, well I was stuck here waiting for some phone calls about my article. I really wanted to go play volleyball and go to the beach with everyone, but I was stuck here. I did manage to finally talk to the R.A. of the Ravines at 5 pm and when I interviewed her, she brought another married couple to the interview, so it's all good now. The article, well, I think it's not too bad considering I pulled it out of my butt. I really like how I ended it...totally awesome quote.

Anyways, I think I should head into the shower and eat some breakfast. Please continue to keep my dad in your prayers. Have a good day everyone!
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