For the last week-ish I've had a really bad cough, bad enough that I wake up with chest pains. This has been a very scary thing for me, as the only chest pains I've ever had were heartburn and that time I bruised my ribs, and neither were anything like this. I saw the doctor last week who gave me five days worth of antibiotics which didn't work, and was told that if the problem persisted for a month to come back and see her. This'll be a fun month.
I took a look at that house I
mentioned a few days ago (the smaller one), and it was a disappointment to say the least. Yet another perfect example of a house that may have been great at one time, but through decades of renting to students and a general lack of maintenance (since it only is used to rent to students) it is in such a deplorable condition that the recommended procedure for fixing it involves sticks of dynamite. I am going to call the agent for the other house though (that really nice one) and see if I can take a look this weekend, and of course won't mention that I can't afford the house and only just want to look. ^_^
Oh, and I finally got a haircut on Monday. Pictures to come, possibly when I get home tonight (Motorolla Phone Tools and Linux don't like each other :().