It seems that LJ now has some sort of content filtering thing set up, which, with respect to LJ/6A, I do not plan to use. For outgoing blather, I already have filters set up; according to my "OMG AM I A GEEK" stat spreadsheet, I have some kind of filter on about a quarter of the blather I issue. One of the ones, which is rarely used, is the "no kids" filter; its current wrapped-out denizens are
kdsorceress, and
tolkienkookad (
muzikmaker21 is a graduate). The rough dividing line is high schoolers and younger, so technically
kdsorceress could graduate from it, but I'll probably wait to see if she and
werewulf want that. In any case, as I said, it's little used because I have more restrictive filters in place based on content which are used more often. They aren't used out of any sensitivity to age, but instead out of courtesy, because some of you out there don't really care to read anything on the subject of, to choose a few, baseball or the Green Party or kinky sex or my religious and spiritual meanderings.* I haven't heard of any problems with this, so I'll just continue it. If you want to be on or off a filter, let me know.
For incoming posts, I already have a filter between my ears, and that's working fine.
On a similar note, I've found that I really miss having more than a few icons, and I'd really like to do polls again - I know there's a service that allows it, but it's a bit of a bother - but so far, my need for these things hasn't overridden my resolve that these LJ/6A bastiches will not get any more of my money until and unless they cease being such egregious nimnuls. I don't consider their "content flagging" to be a step in either direction, so they stay on the shit list. Besides,
john_tangent posted something recently about an idea for a fork, and I'd like to see what's involved in that...we'll certainly talk about it at some point when I'm not busier than a one-armed paperhanger and he's not dealing with the Dire Dice of Destiny landing on him with both sixes down. The main reason I'm staying here continues to be the people involved, and the fact that, for the time being, the "rules" that LJ/6A have smacked down really don't affect me much, not that I'm convinced it shall remain that way.
Speaking of which, as a housekeeping measure, I would like to ask that if you are an employee or agent of LiveJournal or SixApart, you would please read the following:
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. By reading this LiveJournal, you agree, on behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-compete and acceptable use policies (”BOGUS AGREEMENTS”) that I have entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and privileges. You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your employer.
A handy thing to have stated.
You can use it yourself. Mahalo.
* Yes, "One of these things is not like the other...", and I can assure you that no one from the "no kids" filter gets onto it by asking. That's pretty much the only "subset" I've set up.