Plans have changed again. Apparently my family is now doing a little something today and a little something tomorrow, or...something, I don't know. Anyway, we'll be going to my mother's for a while and then
efbq's mom's today. Probably what we get for not trying to plan the holidays at least two weeks in advance, but then, these things always happen, and we always end up in the car and driving between the two for the holidays.
I probably should not be approaching this with the attitude of "just get me through this day", but to be honest, that's pretty much where I'm at right now. No major crises on the horizon this time; just a malaise, probably stemming from the difficulties I've had with getting The Exchange moving, and getting Jesse Johnson's campaign to go anywhere, and getting anyone to listen to my podcast, and dealing with parental, I'm not all "boo hoo, woe is me" about it, but I haven't had a great run of luck lately. I think it's causing me to feel the stress more than I should. Right now, everyone's running about saying we have to leave -
efbq has decided to wear a hat that is absolutely indescribable, and the kids are whinging - so I guess I'll cut this one a bit short.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone (and for my Canadian friends,, Thursday)!