I'm in a foul humor today. Yesterday was one of those days where everything was "oh, and one more thing...", particularly at work, to the point that I was ready to tear out what remains of my hair. The Mutie was being snippy and bitchy at Trivia Night ("Oh, we're doing so horrible...", "I told you that wasn't the answer!", etc.) even though we ended up in second place and didn't need to even show up at all in order to make the championship next week. The kids are generally proving to be teenagers nowadays, and they're home for spring break. And I also had to deliver something of a smackdown to one of our committees in the Green Party (the co-chair of which is on my flist, but I don't think he reads me), and I'm just waiting for the fallout from that. And speaking of flists, I got pounced on by a typically high-handed looneytarian when commenting in one of my friend's journals about the recent Supreme Court decision (a lot of looney-tees showed up to comment on that one, in fact), but I was good and decided not to continue the convo. (These are looney-tees, after all, and logic doesn't necessarily work, as they're often proud to demonstrate.) The O's lost again, and DC United was losing to the original Mexican version of Chivas in the Champions Cup in the 87th minute, last I saw (though Jaime Moreno had a really pretty goal), which means they're going to lose on aggregate.
muzikmaker21 bought some very nice Tibetan prayer flags for the church ("from a barefoot hippie in Catonsville", according to his account), the boss isn't in today, and I'm kicking ass at fantasy baseball (though I'm trading away a good player in a mercy trade to keep my sister happy).
A few questions: why didn't the season start in Cincinnati this year? Aren't the Reds supposed to host the first game?
And for you stargazers out there: a cow-orker of mine apparently is an amateur astronomer (something other than golf! Huzzah!) and has noted a planetary style object to the southwest for the past few nights (he's viewing from Elkridge). He says it appears to be getting smaller, and obviously he won't be able to view it tonight or probably tomorrow thanks to the rain. He says it isn't red, and it's in the wrong position for Mercury. I know there's an asteroid that's supposed to be close to us, but I'd thought it wasn't supposed to arrive for another week or so. Anyone have any ideas?