There's rain coming down right now, however, my weather widget and most jurisdictions in my vicinity are insisting that death and destruction will come from the skies at any minute. I'll keep an eye out for that.
The "friends list" on LJ is a misnomer. It need not necessarily contain friends. I've been very lucky in that I'm friends with almost everyone on my list, even aside from the fact that I haven't met some of them in person, and if friends are the measure of a man, then I am fortunate indeed. (Yes, I've said that before, but I still do not say it nearly enough.) My friends are very actively doing things, writing things, thinking things, and offering things, which prove that they are exceptional human beings. In response to some undirected grousing about a lousy computer that
efbq is using downstairs, we've had an offer of an old computer and a not-used printer from separate friends. (We're still discussing it...well, will be -
efbq isn't feeling up to anything today due to headacheness.)
Several of my friends are dealing with the loss of friends or loved ones, and I want to be there to comfort them.
I've also dealt with some comments I've made to them. There was a chucklehead posting in one of my friends' journals, and I so, so desperately wanted to flame him to the waterline, because he desperately deserved it. I refrained out of the feeling that it would have been like shouting at the wall, and because
kdiddy didn't need to read it anyway.
I've also said something really thoughtless and unhelpful to a friend who's going through a rough time, which makes me feel about an inch high, even after I apologized.
Hmm. In the time since I've begun writing this - and I've taken many breaks to do actual work stuff - things have indeed become slippery out there. Might need to end this now and post again later.