Oh my science!, or Rambling all over the place

Dec 19, 2006 12:55

I enjoy reading bOINGbOING from time to time, but they do have a tendency to bias, such as lampooning everything having to do with religion while listing Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion as a "good documentary". It's fine by me, because I don't mind and indeed seek out opinions different than my own on a fairly regular basis...indeed, as a Green, you're likely to get hit with them whether you like it or not*. To be clear, however, Dawkins is an insufferable twit; I haven't read a thing of his yet on the subject of atheism which hasn't been about one-fifth making an actual point and the remaining four-fifths condescending bombast and kerfluffle which effectively destroys the legitimacy of what he was attempting to say. I do find it very amusing that essentially he was dead skewered by South Park for the effect his nonsense caused; now atheists (or "Brights" or whatever they're calling themselves nowadays) are having blustery, dogmatic arguments for or against the messiah Dawkins and beginning to splinter into sects, much as any other belief**. Oh, if those poor, benighted savages only possessed reason, as we exclusively do! Schadenfreude indeed.

I see from BB that Morse code is no longer required by the FCC, which is a bit sad; I was just beginning to learn some of the letters by ear, which is rather difficult to do in that I'm not a ham. I was hoping to use it as an adjunct to SMS on mobile phone; there are some bits of software for mobiles which will do so. Such for this goal - though I'll probably still do it for artistic purposes if not for practical ones (though there is this, which may be locked for some of you). Which reminds me that I must do something about this, which may also be locked for some of you***...

* Though I will say that at cnvarbiter's wonderful holiday party over the weekend, I trotted out my favorite snark against Libertarians, which I probably shouldn't have done; in my defense, people were asking about what the diff was between Greens and Libbies, since we both find ourselves in much the same boat given the lousy regime that's in control (and the nominal opposition they receive). Anyway, cnvarbiter was very gracious about it, which made me feel bad about doing it afterwards...sorry!

** Dawkins vs. Gould, et. al.

*** Though efbq is now suggesting names from the pre-formed features in tectonic drift theory, such as this one. Also a bunch of other nice names there. Whatever the heck, I want to get this thing named and running, s'there.

rant, politics, online gaming, goals, radio, links, religion, parties, sarcasm, language

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