Well, Geek Combat came and went, and oh, boy, did we tank. A fifth-place finish as we simply failed to get untracked all night. Rick did a fantastic job with the questions; he made them a bit harder than usual by asking questions that had a number of conceivably good answers rather than just trying to get obscure. (Examples: "Name the top ranked television shows for each of the years 2001-2005." "During a 50-year film career, John Wayne starred in how many movies, within 15? Extra credit for the exact answer." "Only one album in history produced five Billboard #1 songs. Name the album." "The AARP is the largest organization of any kind in America, with 35 million members. What is the second largest?") Of course, when he did get obscure, we kind of did better: "Only one team in NFL history has gone through an entire season without winning a game. Name the team and the year." Anyway, we were good in defeat, presenting the trophy to the new winning team and giving them the Burger King paper crowns that I'd procured for the team, and one of the other teams bought us a round, and things were cool.
QotN from
muzikmaker21, after I flirted with the waitress by giving her my BK crown: "Scooter! Never give up your crown for a woman, no matter how hot she is! Didn't English history teach you anything?"
Bit of a headache this morning, in the not-a-hangover-but-you-know-where-this-came-from way.