I've added several new folks to my flist of late, and the majority have added me in return. Oh, you poor, poor people. I should let it be known, before proceeding, that I am a statistically provable blabbermouth. My comment count at the bottom of
my profile page is running almost two comments for every one that I receive. I'm talking - and I can't shut up...
In any case, given the bit about the new friends above, I've decided to put out yet another go-round of the filters check. You know the drill, I'm sure: while many of my filters are determined strictly by me, such as the "local" filter (you have to be located someplace I can get to and back in a day, with time for a bheer in between) or the "no kids" filter (if you are a kid, you don't get on it), others are at least somewhat voluntary* about whether or not you want on. Right now, there are four of those:
- baseball, which has posts about, um, baseball. I've also been known to post about my fantasy leagues on there. If you can see this post, you are on the baseball filter.
- soccer, which has posts about the real football. If you can see this post, you are on the soccer filter.
- greens, for folks that are interested in my political party, my various posts about it, things having to do with Green Party leadership, and so on. You need not be a registered Green to be on the filter; however, if you're on the filter just to bitch at me about my politics, I'll likely throw you off. If you can see this post, you are on the greens filter.
- kink, for posts that are...um, well, here's the interesting one. Let's just say that these are of a prurient nature. That is to say they have to do with OMG TEH SeX0R. Almost certainly NSFW. Here is a rare post on that filter that is indeed safe for work...if you can see it, you are on the kink filter.
I thought about how exactly to set up the poll for this, since I don't want to have to sift through and remake all my filters, and came up with having three buttons for each filter: one if you aren't on the filter and want to be, one if you are on the filter and want to be taken off, and one if you don't want your status (either off or on) to change, or you just dig clicking buttons.
Poll Bunches of filters * I have dealt with requests from parental units about the selections of those left off the "no kids" filter. And yes, I'm a dad, too. Rest assured, your parents have veto rights on this journal. Now, hush. And don't you make me stop this car.