Holy cow, they're gangin' up on us. Happy Birthday to my now-legal, upcoming-co-party girl
muzikmaker21, and my ex-partner-in-crime (9-to-5 employed division)
ebullientjenn, and my chibi-niece
deliriumx_, who gets-a da hugs, and my non-LJ-enabled buddy (who is not the quarterback of the U. of Miami) Ken Dorsey, for great justice! (EDIT: ...and a slightly belated one to my fellow Bawlamer Blast fangirl
Interview today at 3pm in Baltimore. The recruiter is making it sound quite intense. I'm studying up on OSPF and some other alphabet soup protocols and trying to make myself relax, with very limited success so far. The worst that can happen is I'll bomb, which just means I'll have to wait for the yutzes I signed with to get their act together, or possibly try to land another interview in the meantime. There is just nothing easy in my life lately.