What you say?

May 01, 2005 01:13

Gacked from dragonscholar and maiku84:

Take the refrain of a well-known song. Put it through Babelfish in the following manner, then post the results in your LJ for people to guess: English -> German, German -> French, French -> Portuguese, Portuguese -> English.

I was really thinking that these would be a lot harder to figure out, but perhaps I wasn't too creative in the ones that I picked.

  • Any to long of the Watchtower the princes also had it seeming, while all the women barfuessigbedienstete had come and been. Exterior in the distance a cat of hunting of the two to mitfahrer knurrte came close it the wind started to urrar.

  • My memory is what it is this cover with muded river that I am inside? The New-Orleans goes down, it would not want to swim man and I myself

  • This could sentiz it, good could something little to retentir, however verflucht the game, if it did not say nothing, that game is, the game, in which the game in the behind life the behind game the game is, received me it it has game, it received us game, it it received game, it received game to it, it could feel to it effectively, it little could something to it to retentir however the game bumsen received a game, if it did not say nothing

  • _ twenty, twenty, twenty, four hour to go me, to make to want me me sediertes to be, ' that to go in no part to want sediert to me necessarily to become to above arrive airport, componderação on a rapidity rapidity rapidity surface, before I not to be able to guide me my finger, me to be able my brain, OH -, a No. to guide to go eccentric

  • it really dies with it? to take -á to it the house really this night? it really dies with it? ' the cause, if my eyes nme are not deceptive, are there slightly that it continues here around.'

general weirdness, meme

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