No matter how thin you slice it, it's still bologna.

Jan 16, 2005 23:32

Being back into the swing of work is actually nice for a change. I've been on vacation for over a month, and it's nice to be able to come back to something with some continuity. I like being able just come into work, know what I’m doing, what’s expected of me, with no issues and nothing I have to worry over.

Lately I’ve been feeling like I really have to think about my actions and things I say/do. Not that I normally just fly by the seat of my pants, but before about 2 months ago I felt like I was in control of my life, and didn't have to really make to many hard decisions. Being in a relationship also complicates things. Before, I think I was just used to dating people, and being very comfortable in the manner in which I did so. My current relationship is way different though. I fell like I am out of control, have no clue what’s expected out of me, or if I’m ever making the correct decisions, or saying the right things. Don't get me wrong, this relationship has been the most wonderful, fulfilling of my entire life, and I can truly say for the first time that I am honestly in love with this person. It just feels different though. I suppose its like learning anything new, there is a learning curve involved and right now, I’m just overwhelmed with everything, and am not really taking the time to enjoy the ride. Maybe its because everything is going perfectly fine. I suppose that could be the reason why I am so confused. We don't bicker, bitch, complain, argue, fight, or even have anything negative going on between us. Is that weird?? Is it that we aren't being open enough with each other, and don't know each other’s true feelings? I truly doubt that. We are really open with each other for the most part, sometimes I have a hard time talking about things that I have anxiety about, but for the most part we are open and truthful with each other. Maybe I’m just blowing this all out of proportion, and need to just breath, and start truly enjoying what we have.


So, what's with this whole UN thing anyways?

The newly found weight given to the UN's opinions has most Americans truly puzzled, and for good reason. The UN has no army, navy or air force. Why not save what it can rent from the superpowers like Bangladesh and Argentina? It has no power to actually enforce any of its policies/decisions, no revenue collecting authority, except the charity of nation states. How can an organization that has "approved" only two wars - the Korean and Gulf Wars - decide that they hold the only definition of just war? How can the organization that provided the audience for genocides in the Balkans, decide that the United States lacks the moral authority to give aid to tsunami victims?


Although Hickory Farms Beef Summer Sausage may lack the new American standard for healthy eating, doesn't mean that you can't sit down and eat half of a beef stick in one sitting. The smokey, greasy could smell from a mile a way flavor really takes you back to the good times in your life. So when your down and out, and hungry as a horse, why not go to the fridge, grab some crackers, and savor the yummy delights of a hickory farms beef summer sausage beef stick. Because if you don't, our un-American =)

Well kiddies, I think that’s all for tonight, I’ve hope you've enjoyed tonight’s festivities, and total randomness. Till Next time, tootles.


"Tradition is the living faith of the dead. Traditionalism is the dead faith of the living."
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