Oct 29, 2006 14:31
Ok... so maybe I am a bastard for not using this livejournal anymore, but it has come to a point where I think it would be healthy for me to express my thoughts, and conversate with a few people I miss.
So, yeah... Where do I even start? Well I'll start with what I’ve been up to all year.
Work is exactly the same, I do the same thing day in and day out, but I still like it. I finally decided last summer (2005) that I was not going to renew my contract with the Coast Guard, and move the fuck on. I had been informally talking with my mother (the Realtor), and my Uncle (the Audiologist) about the possibility of some employment after I get out of the CG. Both expressed interest, and the decision wasn't all that hard, being that my mother is crazy, and the thought of working with her makes me want to vomit on my own corpse.
So that left my Uncle Dick. He owns an Audiology Clinic in Portland, and he offered me a job working there, if I did the schooling and got Board Certified. So I've been working on all of that for over a year and a half. I have finished most everything I need to get started, and am waiting to take my last final exam, and in the midst for studying for Certification Board. In March, I took the first step into Audiology by attending the American Academy of Audiology Convention in Minneapolis, MN. It was actually a good time, learned a lot, met a lot of nice people, and had a lot of good fun.
In May I went on a businesses trip to Duluth, MN.
In June I to Portland and attended 2 weddings. Both were long time friends, and both were great. It also provided me time to spend at the clinic, get some hands on experience, and see what I was getting myself into.
In August I went back to Portland Again, went to my brother Adam's 2nd wedding, and went to my Dad's 60th Birthday party.
Since August I have been gearing up to move. I'm not sure if I mentioned, but I am moving back to Oregon in December. As far as I know, Ryan is coming with me, but time will tell....
I have been searching non-stop for a place to live. It's starting to worry me a bit, because I can't find anything that I like, and I would like to just get this all over with. If you know of anywhere nice, let me know.
Well, I think that’s enough for now. I will update often. Hope everyone is doing well, I look forward with getting back in to touch with everyone.