Jun 14, 2005 02:10
In preparation of the RENO 911 season premire TOMORROW AT 10 P.M. I have taken the liberty of changing the scoot_bagel icon for the time being. Ally, I hope you are not mad.
While writing this I realized that this is my first update in.. well, quite a long time. I dont know what to say, so much has been going on. I guess I will comment on a few things.
1. Yay for school being finished, boo for pre-calc final kicking my ass
2. I am mad that I had to miss Evans (along with my chance to date Keaton) :(
3. John owes me $100
4. Ally is leaving soon and then I am stuck in Geneva alone
Perhaps this summer, since Ally will be unable to update, I will take the liberty of carrying on the weekly or twice-weekly, which ever I am in the mood for, updates, and everyone here can take an extra 2 minutes out of their lives to read about mine and then feel better about their own because they will come to realize theirs is not as pathetic as mine.
I must be heading to bed. Work and much drawing await me tomorrow.
- -Meghan- -
Maybe I should pose a question, thus provoking comments from others, since Ally is a comment nazi and keeps them all for herself... let me think...
*Why did Yankee Doodle name the feather in his hat Macaroni?
or if you prefer:
*Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet soup?
or better yet:
*Who was the first person to say, "See that chicken over there ... I'm gonna eat the first thing that comes out if its ass"?
I apologize, I seek to answer the simpler questions in life.