Now it's time for the real thing

May 11, 2009 23:12

I was reading back on a few old entries and realize I don't journal nearly as much as I used to.

I think in college I did a lot because my friends did, and that carried over a little bit to my life after college. However since Myspace and now Facebook almost everyone I know has migrated over there. I did do some journaling in Myspace, but not nearly as much, and never do any on facebook because that just doesn't seem the place. I have found though I kinda miss journaling. I used to think I did it for myself, now I realize I basically did it to see if anyone cared enough to read it. And while I know people did and still do, I am also realizing that, that sort of stuff doesn't matter like it used to.

I have no clue where that thought came from, I'm just sorta letting things fly out of my fingers.

I bought this external hard drive to sore old pics and whatnot, and was wondering if anyone knew of a quick way to save all of these journal entries. I mean they go back about 6 years I think. That is a hell of alot of my life that I think I would like to have.

I got a strange phone call today. It came from someone who found my resume on Now I haven't updated my resume on there for about 8 months. It is just odd that it comes know when I am so busy with work I'm not even really thinking of it. I think I will give the person a call tomorrow though just to see what it is about. With work where it stands right now, I can't really afford not too.

Speaking of work. We had to let more people go, which means the Box Office is a hell of a lot busier then before. Which is good and bad. Good because the more money the better right now. And bad because it makes things a lot more stressful on so many ends.

I was in a groove, and then starting IMing, and now have lost my train of thought. Although that does seem to happen to me a lot.

Ok, as I can't think of any more to type I am going to stop now. Night all!
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