Nov 19, 2007 03:08
I hate it when I can't sleep on a worknight. Tonight it is because of many factors. I took medicine that is not very condustive to sleep, it does however help me cold, so that is good. I have pretty much slept all weekend, and my mind is racing with tons of different thoughts. Mostly about where I am at in life and what I am doing with my life. It is the same stuff I have been asking myself for years, and I'm wondering why I am still asking myself these questions. I think I'm scared, and I don't know of what. Maybe failure? I couldn't even tell you what I am really afraid of failing at. It is wierd. I hate quarter life crisis', have I mentioned that before.
I may go back to reading my book, at least it will stop me from thinking to much.
I think I really need to move out sometime soon. For some reason I have a feeling that is a big step I need to take. Maybe that is what I'm afraid of, actually being fully independent. Which means a complete adult, jesus is that scary.
I need to stop thinking now and try and sleep, or distract myself so I stop thinking.