new word

Oct 08, 2008 20:57

Because I am a copycat and cannot think of my own fun stuff. Inspired by both aidy and Mary.

Main Entry: TOOMS
Pronunciation: /tu:mz/
Etymology: Season 1

verb: to hide in a small, secluded and dark space performing unnecessary tasks like assembling newspaper clippings; implies huddling, slovenliness and general unsociability. Examples: "Is your son toomsing in his room again? I think I can hear the scissors clicking." "I think I'm going to tooms around in my office tonight, I feel rather antisocial."

noun: a person frequently indulging in toomsing. Examples: "He's such a tooms, even his girlfriend can't always get him to go out for the evening." "You're a tooms? Oh, that's why you have no tan."

linguistic stormtrooper, what, iwtb, x-files

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