"fucking freezing" and "omg i'm surrounded by women"

Jan 18, 2006 10:10

FUCK it's cold.


(cross post)

My very first class of the semester was TLSE240 - Intro to Special Education. I was referred to this class by Jenny; she said it was an easy A and that the teacher basically gave you the answers to all the test questions.

I walked into the classroom early and sat in the second to last row. Since I had about half an hour to kill, I read the newspaper, tried to solve the Sudoku puzzle (which still boggles my mind) and listened to my iPod. When I looked up 15 minutes later, I started to notice that there were an awful lot of women in the room. Behind me, there was one guy. When class started, that count rose to about three or four. The rest of the auditorium was a sea of women. I felt just a tad out of place.

The teacher explained the subject matter and what we would be talking about throughout the course. I thought, "That's fine; if she gives us the answers and I understand the material, I should be okay."

She went on to ask, "How many people in here are in education?" Half of the class raised their hands. "Youth education?" A few raised their hands. "Special ed?" More that time.

"Am I forgetting anybody?"

I didn't raise my hand and shout out "BUSINESS MARKETING!" for fear of being started at and questioned, so I sat quiet wondering why the hell I was in there in the first place. Regardless, I stayed the whole class period, listened, and realized that the class was definitely not for me.

I later described my teacher to Jenny, and she pointed out that it wasn't the same teacher. Since the course wasn't my cup of tea anyway (and after going to my programming class yesterday which wasn't all that bad), I dropped it like a hot potato.


My CSCI275 (web design) class will be an easy A. CSCI205 (programming) shouldn't be all that bad. MATH210, with some studying here and there, should be a breeze.

COMS100 is the only class I'm worried about. The first class is later today (3.30pm), but I'm really hoping that it'll be okay. I figure as long as I prepare for each speech at least a week ahead of time (as opposed to procrastinating until the night before), I should be fine.

I swear, if I don't make GPA this semester, I might as well drop out (haha joke).

this is where the road crashed into the ocean


school, weather

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