jobs - past and present

Dec 03, 2005 01:42

I got in about 40 hours (give or take) for my next paycheck, which is due this coming Friday.. The one after that is the holy grail and the last check before Christmas - I'm scheduled for two 33-hour weeks. It doesn't sound very appealing when put that way, but I'm just that excited for a $400+ paycheck.

Sorry, I haven't had a job in like four years, so getting money on my own is pretty awesome to me right now, even if it is at $7/hour. Back when I worked at McDonald's (puke), the biggest paycheck I got couldn't have been more than $150 - and this was during the first month that I worked there. Soon after, school started and I took in maybe 10 hours every week. Then it became 10 hours every two weeks - then 6. Truth be told, I just got really lazy and McDonald's is just a shitty, shitty place to work at.

Lindt I think is worth working for. I enjoy coming into work, sometimes doing nothing (the best times) and sometimes selling chocolate to customers, and I can leave without smelling like grease. It definitely is a lot less stressful than McDonald's, anyway. Unfortunately, it is only a seasonal job, and I'm probably going to be laid off after the holiday season is over. At least I have the experience and a little more something to put on my resume.

edit: fuck yeah, my auction ended at $102.50 bitchessss. i would go resell more, but it looks like people are starting to catch on that these really aren't all that rare.

and somebody stole my auction description! what an unoriginal fuckass. who does that? i didn't know what to write about it, but i didn't steal anybody's shit, either.

edit2: and even a little snippet in this auction. people just love my way with words. can't be helped, i guess.


mcdonalds, work

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