
Sep 26, 2005 10:02

guess what today is..?

First, here are my new shoes. i am officially done with shoes for a long, long time.. or until i get a job.
(and these pictures aren't the best of quality; they were taken with my phone and I haven't gotten the chance to touch them up)

Nike Blazer SB

Nike Dunks from 2003? 2004? I've always wanted these, but I never got around to buying them/didn't have money when they were available to me.

Ok, enough shoes.

lol. This is my cat (lil') Bizzle sleeping on top of a computer monitor, complete with leg/tail hanging down.

Jamiroquai chill'n on my backpack

Bekki and Jon at their wedding reception (of which i have more pictures of at home)

Joe and Vince at the same reception.

Ok, I lied. Pooh in a shoe! lol i'm so clever.


I woke up to my cell phone alarm, which is normal. My real alarm clock usually rings about a minute later, so I waited.. and waited. I looked at the clock and realized it was off, so the first thing that came to mind (surprisingly) was that I somehow switched the power strip off, which of course, did not happen. Then I saw the fan wasn't running and came to the disturbing conclusion that my power was off. I immediately thought it was due to bills, which should not have even crossed my mind because it takes longer than a month for them to cut the power- but I digress. I called ComEd and paid the bill anyway, and when I contacted customer service to tell them to turn my fucking electricity on, their informed me that they never cut our service; rather they were doing some maintenance around the neighborhood and power would be restored around 9.30am.

I just hope my food isn't spoiled. Fuckers.


fuck comed up the ass, cats, shoes

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