(no subject)

Mar 13, 2008 23:08

You know that old song that goes "this part of the night belongs to lovers"? Does anyone know what that's called? Or who it's by? I want to listen to it.

Power ballads make me happy.

I've been feeling crappy this week. I blame it on a combination of start-of-cold tiredness, getting my root canal finished yesterday which my dentist called "difficult" and I call "two hours of having your mouth open with a full grown man leaning on your jaw". Needless to say it HURT when the anaesthetic finally wore off. And throw in not eating for a few days (I feel bad, I stop eating, I feel worse. It's my way) and you have one sad lady. Still, I skived off college today to nurse my headache and take painkillers and sulk. Tomorrow I plan to get off my backside and go to college and stop whining, mostly.

Hot shorthand teacher tomorrow! That should cheer me up if nothing else does. He is really, really hot.

I kind of want to spend the weekend curled up in my armchair knitting. I might try and do as much of that as possible. My dad moved my old brown leather armchair down as well as my new bookcase and we have a new sofa and armchair suite that Bethan found on gumtree that's a lovely, well chintz I suppose, so our living room looks quite different and uber cosy. It's nice. I might take pictures soon so I can show off.
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