
Mar 09, 2006 19:39

First and foremost:

Happy Birthday Kara!!

Second off. Both of the parents next door left and left the damn boy home alone. All I can hear is *bass sounding noise* da thump da thump boom boom [rap lyrics] boom boom boom boom thump thump thud!!

I'm about ready to blow my fucking brains out, or even better blow his out.

In other news today. Why everyone is ignoring me I'll never know but I give up on trying to find out why. Just not important to anyone anymore I guess. I don't know what feeling is worse: the headache I have or the feeling of not being important anymore. Only time will tell.

OOH OOH Jen made me an av on zen secks and I cut it down to 100X100 for this lovely new icon I'm using now. I LURVE it too. Hope you don't mind me altering it for LJ Jennipie.

happy birthday, rant, pissed off

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