Jan 14, 2010 19:28
Again it's been forever since I've been here - Gah, and I've been on the internet a lot of late. I've decided I will use this as an outlet a lot more often, as my little notebook keeps going awol when I change bags for work, and I have unlimited internet on my phone now, making train journeys more bearable...
I made a start on my Dear... project, and it's made me think a lot about the people who have influenced me over the years, many of them probably unaware of the fact, and some who surprise even me. I'd always thought that I'd mostly been influenced by a lot of strong women in my life as positive role models, coming from a matriarchal family, but as my Grandpa's health deteriorates more, I can see the subtle ways he's influenced me over the years, and that my love of travel, language and writing has come from him, and that my belief in deep love and respect in a marriage comes from his and Granna's example, and that which I saw in my parents before Dad died. The men in my life have not benn bit-parts, but gentle guiding influences that have shaped me over time, and I'm eternally grateful to them for it.
I've also been reading a heavy amount of fanfic, and have become completely engrossed in unslinky's Degeneration on whofic. Her take on the Children of Time is fantastic, and the character exploration is really well thought out. I think I might actually cry when it's finished and I don't have that to look forward to of an evening! Mike will be glad he's got his wife back however...
Reading muchas fanfic, and pining for the good old days with Buffy, Angel, the tenth Doctor and Johnny Smith were forging new plotlines onscreen (although I know these didn't all happen concurrently), has inspired me to strt some fic of my own, however, dependent on whether I can actually achieve anything readable will decide if it ever makes it on here for one or two people to possibly stumble upon it by accident. Who knows, maybe I'll write something worthy of Fanfiction.net?
Signing off now. Plan to post something in the next week, once Verity's Birthday's over.