Oct 04, 2005 15:40
Been at my house all of 2 weeks, haven't even had furniture for a week yet and what happens yesterfay? We get robbed. By someone who had a key. How lame is that?
We went off to asda (where we purchased a hideously large bottle of tia maria) at 2.30, bug came home at 3.30, and at some point in that hour some little scroats came and nicked about 3 grand's worth of stuff. Grrr. My guitar's still there however, so all is not lost - they did nick all of my recorded music, my md player, about £200 worth of dvds & cds and some jewelry, as well as bug's laptop and digital camera, steve's digital camera and some of hel's dvds. Could have been worse - at least we still have a house - and of course, a ps1. Rayman can still be played, and bug's whiskey collection is still there...
The tia maria came in handy, as we were confined to the kitchen playing cluedo while we waited for the forensics guys and the locksmith - had to threaten our estate agents with breach of contract when they tried to fob us off with 'you don't REALLY need us to change the locks do you?' We weren't allowed to touch anything until the fingerprinter came round - at midnight. Never mind - we watched him cover our stuff with aluminium dust and embarassed him with rude questions. Tee hee. The police now have my fingerprints - better not do anything illegal...
Apart from that, I now have some strokably soft breast cancer awareness trousers, have no feet left due to singing in a cocktail dress in marks and sparks oxford street - however, got a free bottle of wine out of it, and have a mild hangover due to tia maria consumption.
One final thought......
Never learn about the science of reproduction - it will put you off for life.
Ok, I lied ....
Alcohol is good. Freshers is an excuse to drink alcohol. Therefore fresher's is goooood. Quizzing it tonight - hope to come first (free wine) or last (real ale drinkage).