Back in the south west

Sep 26, 2005 12:54

ok, so I failed to fill you in on the tdk cross central, but then I've left you all in suspense haven't I...

Who am I kidding? There are only about 2 people who read this anyway. Post a reply if you read it - prove me right. Anyhoo..... Shall post the rest of my antics later I'm sure, but for now:

Am finally back at Uni, and just about ok with being back now. REALLY didn't want to be a week ago. Sharing a room with Hels has made life easier. Am now living in a lovely house, paying extortionate rent, have no furniture (although some should be arriving today - no bed yet though), am sharing a bed with Hels, have to walk for at least 30 minutes to get to uni, but...... I'm happy. So all's good. I'm actually getting on with my housemates for once, and am no longer in my death contraption on wheels, which causes Laura to burst into her florence nightingale act and get offended when I threaten to hit her. I'm also not at home, which can only be a good thing. I was slowly going insane trying to fit 36 hours worth of work into every day. I still miss my 9-5 (or actually 8.30-6), and the extra work that had to be done at home, along with the kids; but I don't miss the stress, constant tiredness and harrassment. Anyhoo. Not there anymore so ne'er mind.

Only 10 weeks to go 'til Rohan appears! Yep, my sister chose a name that all at once incorporates Mr Bean (Rowan Atkinson - not spelt with a w, but said the same way = instant ridicule) and LOTR (as in 'riders of...'). It's the only name my soon-to-be-ex-brother-in-law would agree to ("s'alright"), although the rest of the world don't see why it should have anything to do with him anymore. I've been chosen as birthing partner, which means saying things like "breathe... 123" and "bear down," and best of all: "I know it hurts, but it's a good pain." Lol. Was on 'Doctors' I believe - Jen & I were laughing at it at some point. I also get to stop her mother in law trying to come in, along with her husband's girlfriend and any student nurses. For some strange reason she doesn't want any of her classmates seeing her give birth. Can't imagine why......

Started my BSc modules today - only in 1 day a week for the mo, until I start my research project, and then next semester is going to be hectic as. Went to my other house's (long story - 7 people split into 2 houses with semi shared communal space... not such a long story after all) housewarming, drank a bottle of malibu, too many shots, smirnoff ice and southern comfort, which I haven't had since Katie died and now remember why.... Was sober as a judge - seriously. Wasn't fun being the only sober person there (except Hels). You have to deal with other people's problems when that happens, and you can't drown out your own. Half way through the night the rugby lads turned up, and at somepoint after that my tattoo got licked... it was all very disturbing.... Woke up hangoverless and played on the playstation - was goooood sunday. made a duvet cover for my non existent bed, which looks stunning and am v. proud of. Discovered that the posher you equipment is, the less it will play - sodding apple laptops and gold plated dvd players (bug & steve's).... Spent ages just pissing myself laughing at, sorry - with Hels, and ate ice cream at 1am. Mmmmmmm vegan vienetta.

Also found out Gemma Hayes is playing next thursday - HAVE to go.

Lectures today and blah. Am off to read research papers.

Muchas love,

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