I love you

Nov 04, 2004 05:30

Well, ya'll probably think the world is gonna end. Because I already wrote in here once today. And now I'm writting again.... Now that's just crazy..........lol. WellI spent most of my day in the garage lifting some odd weights, and brushing up on my grinding. I put a sharp on all of the axes and hoes, and wut ever else needed grinding.

You know wut I just realized....... I don't talk about sweetheart nearly enough. She always putting me in her journal. I wouldn't want anyone to think that I didn't care about her or something........lol. But everyone who knows me, knows that I love my baby very much.
Baby, we've been through alot. And these 8+ months have been the best of my life...... because of you. So I guess I just wanted to tell you that you mean the world to me. I don't know wut I'd be without you. And I want to be here.... with you.... forever.

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