(no subject)

Apr 17, 2010 18:59

So I started writing the first proper chapter to my Sims 3 apocalypse on Thursday I think.Or it may have just been yesterday.. I have a terrible memory for remembering what days things happened on!
I was writing and I got to the part where I was starting to cry a little and just want to give up a fun time was had by all. Seriously, things are going well with it, I only stopped writing cause I was in a terrible mood and I didn't want to start writing angry stuff so when I come to proof read i'd be wondering what the h-e-doublehockeysticks I was thinking!
Ready to do a lot of writing today, maybe even to finish the chapter, I slipped into procrastination. I recently found an amazing site that host series after series of some of my favourite shows, for example 'Bones' and 'Desperate Housewives' (which I am painfully addicted to, it's a healthy addiction, promise) so I spent the day curled up watching Desperate Houswives, not back to back, but one in close proximity after the other.
On monday it's back to school after the Easter break, so things will be a little busy again, I don't know how much time I'm going to get to play this week, writing should be fine though, just lengthly playing times that would be affected.
After finding the quiz on joandsarah's blog, I decided to do the same one, and I even took some more. I should have been writing, I know.

Here we go:

Created by Oatmeal
So I did this one first cause of my apocalypse, see the link? :D

Created by Oatmeal

Created by Oatmeal

Created by Oatmeal

Thanks for reading


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