It's a good day....

Oct 01, 2005 04:46

First off, I did the montly reports for my hotel today, and we BY FAR had the best month ever. The previous best month was about $72,000, and this month we had over $103,000. Yeah, my bonus shall be VERY nice.

Second off, I downloaded the Dukes of Hazzard Movie, and I'm purdy durn sure I found myself. I know I was sitting behind these 3 people, and I know I had on a grey shirt, and I fur durn sure know I have some fat WHITE forearms. Yay for movie stardom! I'd tell you where it's at, but you'd never find me.

Other then that....not alot, not alot going on. We have a new group coming into the hotel, taking over all the rooms that Cleco is giving up, so that makes me real happy. The only bad thing is, my daytime worker made the deal, and it's for a little bit less then my deal was. Which I guess is good for me, but the new deal might last longer...who knows, as long as the hotel stays full, my pocket stays stuffed.

I bought the special edition Tommy Boy DVD, and have checked out a couple of the features, it's sad to see my late hero Chris Farley, he was so damn funny.

Other than that, not a lot going on. Just listening to one of my guests bitch and bitch and bitch....looking forward to my vacation in 2 weeks :)
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