(no subject)

Jun 06, 2005 00:47

Wow fount this on someone's site... seems a little less onesided and looked like something to do! haha enjoy... L8er

(x) snuck out of the house
(x) gotten lost in your city
( ) seen a shooting star
(x) been to any other countries besides the united states
( ) had a serious surgery
( ) gone out in public in your pajamas
( ) kissed a stranger
(x) given someone of the opposite sex a made up phone number
( ) hugged a stranger
(x) been in a fist fight
( ) been arrested
( ) done drugs
(x) had alcohol
(x) felt isolated
(x) laughed and had milk/coke/juice/water come out of your nose
(x) pushed all the buttons on an elevator
( ) gotten a tattoo
( ) made out in an elevator (have to try that!)
( ) swore at your parents
( ) kicked a guy where it hurts
(x) been in love
(x) been close to love
(x) been to a casino
( ) been skydiving
( ) written a song
( ) broken a bone
( ) been high
( ) skinny-dipped
(x) skipped school
( ) flashed someone (do my boobs count?)
( ) Seen a therapist
( ) done the splits
( ) played spin the bottle
(x) gotten stitches
( ) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour
(x) bitten someone (And been bitten!) hahahaha
(x) been to Niagara Falls
(x) gotten the chicken pox
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex
( ) kissed a member of the same sex
(x) gotten a speeding ticket?
( ) crashed into a friend's car
(x) fallen down a flight of stairs
( ) been to Japan
(x) ridden in a taxi
(x) been dumped
( ) shoplifted
(y) been fired (Kinda... not sure how that went down yet! haha)
(y) had fun with someone of the opposite sex in the shower (define fun)
(x) eaten a gallon if ice cream by yourself-
( ) ever had a crush on someone of the same sex
(x) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
(x) stole something from your job (hundreds of pizzas, 1 grippers, 1 clear cup, 2 spatulas, 1 plate (still in my car), 2 forks, 1 spoon, 2 large pans, 2 medium pans, 1 jug of red dishwasher soap, many 2 liters, ummm.... i am sure there is more! haha)
( ) gone on a blind date
( ) had a crush on a teacher
(x) had something stolen from you
( ) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
(x) been to Europe
(x) walked into the wrong class and sat thru the whole thing
( ) slept with a co-worker (current.... no)
(x) written a love letter
( ) been married
( ) gotten divorced
( ) gotten an autograph from someone famous
( ) had children
( ) written a bad check
( ) seen someone die
(x) did something cruel and unusual to a sibiling
( ) burped at a nice restrauant
( ) been to Africa
(x) Driven over 400 miles in one day
( ) killed someone ?who would tell someone that?
(x) Been to Canada
(x) Been to Mexico
(x) tried to fail a class (slept every day of chorus didn't try to fail)
(x) Been on a plane
( ) gotten motion sickness
( ) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
(x) Purposely set a part of yourself on fire. (The cologne trick!)
(x) been rejected
(x) been to a funeral
( ) proposed to someone
( ) Eaten Sushi.
( ) suspended from school
(x) Been snowboarding/skiing
( ) Been moshing at a rock show
( ) Been to a motocross race
( ) killed a pet
( ) started a rumor
(x) gone to college
( ) graduated college
( ) done hard drugs
( ) tried killing yourself
( ) taken painkillers (Tylenol ??)
(x) loved someone and sincerely missed him/her
(x) loved someone so much it hurt

[1. Name/nickname] Michael/Mike
[2. Birthday] October 25, 1984
[3. How old are you? Do you like your age?] 20, I am happy with myself
[4. Astrological sign?] Scorpio
[5. Where were you born?] Williamsport, PA
[6. How many siblings do you have? Do you get along with them?] 6 and yes all of them!

[7. What school do you go to?] PennState Harrisburg
[8. What school are you going to after your finished with this one?] Hopefully none! haha
[9. Are some of your friends going to that school with you?] ummm i hope! haha
[10. Who is your best friend(s)?] Jeremy, Brad, ummm... Matt I guess... don't know bout that one tho.
[11. What are your school colors/mascot?] Blue and White... Lion
[12. Do you/your friends have school spirit?] None what-so-ever
[13. Do you like your school?] yeah its ok
[14. Have you ever ditched class by yourself?] All the time! haha
[15. Have you ever ditched with your friend(s)?] Yep
[16. Have you ever dropped a class?] nope
[17. Ever skipped a whole day of school?] Plenty
[18. Ever gotten suspended?] nope

[19. Ice cream:] Anything with PB
[20. Color:] red blue and purple
[21. Beverage:] Mt. Dew
[22. Number:] anything with a 9 in it!
[23. Famous person:] Chris Farley... even in his present state! haha he is still funny
[24. Website:] www.lightwave3d.com
[25. Football team:] 49ers
[26. Basketball team:] none
[27. Baseball team:] boring....
[28. Sport overall:] football
[29. Food:] CHINESE
[30. State in the U.S.:] California
[31. Flower:] I love all flowers
[32. Subject in school:] Computer
[33. Type of music to listen to:] I like rap and some R&B
[34. Music artist(s):] i like them all
[35. Weather condition:] I like thunder storms

[36. Gone fishing?] yes
[37. Went camping/to camp?] yes
[38. Been on a cruise?] yes
[39. Watched the movie "Titanic"?] yes
[40. Went caroling at Christmas-time?] yes
[41. Snuck out of your house at night?] yes
[42. Stolen your best friend's boy/girlfriend?] no
[43. Stolen anything?] yeah nothing big or anything
[44. Went skydiving?] no
[45. Been to ground zero where 9/11 happened?] no
[46. Been to more than 5 states in the U.S.?] yes
[47. Voted in a presidential election?] no
[48. Met a really really famous person (if so, who)?] no
[49. Been rock-climbing?] no
[50. Been to a professional sports event (i.e NFL game)?] no

**DO YOU... (random)**
[51. Own a LIVESTRONG bracelet?] no
[52. Know someone personally/related to someone who is famous?] no
[53. Know the Muffin Man?] muffin woman
[54. Like strawberry-kiwi flavored things?] yeah
[55. Like sarcasm?] yeah
[56. Pre-judge people?] sometimes
[57. Have a short-attention-span or sometimes think you do?] not ussually
[58. Think you were blonde in your past life or blonde now?] no
[59. Get bored easily?] no
[60. Like surveys?] yeah
[61. Hate when surveys are over?] yeah

Well Well Well.... Today was an ok day other than the sweltering heat that seemed to engulf the north eastern united states... And it seems that the airconditioning at work just could not keep up... It is not the worst conditions however that i have had to work under... Seriously at Carlisle Pizza Hut the air seemed to break all the time. They told us that it froze up and had to turn it off for a while because it couldn't keep up or another problem was that the dining room would be ice and the kitchen would be fire and it was only one thermostat... Anyway that one time at the Carlilse Hut it was no kidding 100 degrees at the cut table and 82 at the make table! We had to take turns cutting because TJ was about to pass out. So, Me TJ and Jer took turns cutting on those days. Ussually TJ was the bomb on cut tho... alot faster than i was... but i think i have improved majorly since. After work i went to walmart with kelly and i used all my tip money to get oil for my jeep... Grr... i am now broke again to an extent but the oil i needed since 2 days before prom... i should have done it earlier but oh well.. I got fully synthetic now... so that way i can go alot longer without having to change it... but can i really trust it??? oh well if it dies i will just get another car. I hope it lasts as long as the oil change anyway... that was some expensive oil. haha Well just finished installing Visual Studio.NET and i think it might ask me to restart... so i will post this much for now.
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