Confessions of a sick mind who just can't stereotype himself...

May 06, 2003 18:21

Okay there are some things I have to admit. I've been hiding them for far too long now, and its time that things come out. Hmm.... how to start....

Have you ever had this experience?
You: Hey, so-and-so, did you see/hear/play that new movie/song/game called Blahblah? [said because you really liked Blahblah].
So-and-so: Yeah, I saw/heard/played that stupid Blahblah. That was the lamest thing ever!!
Then, since you are hoping that it is just so-and-so that hated it, you ask some other people- and you find that everybody hates it!! And you are the only person who likes it..... Then you are embarrassed and either keep quiet that you like it or analyze it again in your head and see if you can make yourself hate it.
Well this has happened to me way way way too many times!!! Like... man I can't even count them. But I have made a resolution- I will no longer be ashamed of what I like no matter how many people hate it. And I will no longer continuously give things that I don't like "another chance" because everyone else likes them. And it is because of this resolution that I have decided to write this livejournal and get some things that I might have been hidng out into the open. Okay, so here goes:

1) I liked the Tomb Raider movie. Yes I know that no one else did- but I did! And no it didn't have anything to do with angela whoever- I actually thought the movie was pretty cool. So you guys can get over it!

2) No, I'm not into MXPX. Or Reliant K all that much either. They are pretty good- I can listen to them. But they certainly don't push any buttons.

3) Yes, I like .rod laver. Even their crappy album that I have- I still like it. Some of it I find slightly embarrassing but I'll always love how they do their lyrics.

4) Speaking of lyrics- yes they are more important to me than music. Like, a lot more important. To give you an example of the difference of importance to me- there was a time in my life where I liked Petra, and yet another time where I even liked Carman (though I really can't stand listening to either of them anymore).

5) I am a one-woman man. Real men don't have premarital sex or go after multiple women. Its the fools in high school who were sleeping with a bunch of chics that are really the wuss's- anyone can sleep with some girl or another- even the biggest dorks have had the chance to sleep with at least one girl in their life. It takes the biggest man to hold out until marriage despite all his urges and to remain with the woman he marries forever regardless of what may happen.

6) does not really interest me at all. Sorry.

7) I could watch Mysteria Science theatre 3000 for hours. Monty Python I find funny, but I get bored with- except for the Holy Grail movie that was awesome.

8) I don't really like punk that much. With a rare few exceptions. Yield I love- I have listened to just that four-song cd so many times I can't even count it anymore. I have memorized the whole thing- including goofy little sounds that they added and the like. I'm really obsessed- its kinda crazy. But other than that I don't really like punk music very much at all.

9) My favorite kind of music is rap-rock mixes type stuff.

10) I honestly think I sing pretty well- even if that sounds pretty egotistical. However, as much as I love to sing by myself (and I do it CONSTANTLY) its difficult to get me to sing around people. I think my voice is very good except that I am very limited in how low I can go- I can hit the highest notes but I can't hit even some of the only moderately low ones.

Okay I think that about does it. I think I've decided to incorporate a quote I like in all of my livejournals (probably at the end) so here goes:

"We'll give the shirts off our backs if you'll put them on..." - Yield
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