(no subject)

Jun 28, 2004 01:41

today was a lazy day after goin to bed at 4:20 am last night. hehe i got in trouble from everyone for wakin up at 2:20...even though i dont see the big deal about it.

yea, i saw Fahrenheit 9/11 tonight with my parents, and i have deduced that the country we live in is Fukd up... now i dont curse, but thats the way you can describe it. i mean how stupid is the person that we elected? i think that all of us youngen should get out there and vote non-Bush, cause he is just the biggest idiot ever. he has no thoughts of his own. and when he tries to think on his own, hes just a big doucheBag. it just pisses me off and if there is seriously a draft, i would move to canada on my own cause i dont wantta serve under that guy. i mean i am not antiAmerica at all, but if i was forced to fight, i would want to do it for a reason. not cause some guy feels like he should go to war on a country. it just pisses me off that i have friends that are out there that are risking their lives over the stupid people in office's buffounery.

argh. they just piss me off
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