My Week

May 04, 2002 10:18

Friday 27th April
Had the day off work as Daniel was still not too well and there was nothing much to do at work anyway. Found out it was payday so went to Argos in Yate and bought some hair clippers for Daniels hair (I got fed up of having to get my mum to cut is hair - she lives in Cornwall). As it happens they were visiting this weekend and arrived just in time to witness my first attempt at cutting Daniels hair. I decided on a grade 6 but some bits round the top stayed long, decided to cut it again later in the week.

Saturday 28th April
Parents came round again. Mum looked after kids and cut Andrews hair whilst my dad, brother and I cleared all the bramble bushes from my garden. This was no easy task, it's not a huge garden but the brambles were up to head height and filled the whole garden. My dads oversized hedge trimmer came in very handy for the job (until I stopped cutting brambles and cut into the power cable instead - DOH!). Anyway, after a quick trip to the local DIY superstore for a cable connector the job soon got done and the brambles were all piled up in the middle of the garden ready for burning later in the week.

Sunday 29th April
Went shopping for new clothes for Daniel. Got some Action Man trousers and t-shirt, an England football t-shirt, some other trousers and plain t-shirts.

Wednesday 1st May
Broke a back tooth whilst eating a toffee whilst on the phone to a client at work. I now have a big hole in my tooth and the edge is rather sharp. Note to self: Register with dentist before it starts hurting.

Thursday 2nd May
Took Daniel back to the doctors as he was still a bit unwell. Nowhere near as bad as he was but still had a nasty cough and a off his food. Apparantly he has a bit of a crackly chest so he got some anti-biotics and just as a precaution the doc asked for a chest x-ray to be done, this was not fun. I have never had such trouble getting him to stand still for 10 seconds. After tears, tantrums, cuddles, a walk, bribery and a few stories in the waiting room we managed it tho. Took Daniel to nursery and went to work.

My brother came round in the evening to help me with the bonfire of brambles. Had rained a bit during the day so we figured we would help the fire get started with a little bit of petrol and a load of old "PC Plus" magazines. Having poured on the petrol my brother wanted to light it with a bit of rolled up paper. I thought it best to advise him to put the paper on the end of a very long stick and then light it. Thanks to this advice he was saved the embarassment of having no eyebrows! WUMPH! - "Was that explosion you?" asks my neighbour. Heh heh heh. Anyway, the petrol burned for five minutes and then went out leaving a virtually untouched pile of brambles and a smouldering pile of magazines. We settled for a beer in front of the telly instead.

Friday 3rd May
Quiet day at work. Daniel seems back to normal :-)

Saturday 4th May
Decided to have a go at tidying up Daniel hair. In my haste to get it done I forgot to set the adjustable comb attachment to grade 6 and left it on grade 1, cutting a stripe up the back of his head. ARSE! FECK! After a bit of rescue work ie. grade 4 on top and grade 2 back and sides it dosen't show thankfully. It's just a bit shorter than he and I wanted it. Still, it'll grow out in no time and it still looks good.
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