
Apr 09, 2006 18:53

It's been a long time since I last writtin you my friend. There has been. No. There IS so much to catch up on. So, there has been boys in the world that were born ever since dinosaurs came along. I don't know where I'm going with this, but I am. People practice abstinence and that's why the population is decreasing.

*A short laughing fit ensues as everyone falls on the ground and seizures*

Um, well to start off. *Clears throat* To start off, vegetarianism is appropraite for the human race because people are becoming obese. Are you ready?

Tonight was the Passover time. Well you said don't offend them. And apparently we had stale matzas. And they weren't healthy. Tell me when I can keep going. So. *Clears throat* So we accidentally um switched them in the middle of reading about rabbis. And then caused a rickis. Just keep going.

I feel like, I feel that it needs to get warmer outside because, this is so random cause the world needs love and sun. I'm not looking, I'm thinking about my brain.

"Can you look me in the eyes, and tell me that you're happy now."

We need songs in the middle of this, so I'm just gonna keep coming out with it. You have a dirty whorish mouth. The two little ones are staring at us. STOP!

Um, in about, in precisely uhhhhhhhm, give or take 7 days or 6 days. I will be riding across the border to South Carolina.

"I've got the right temperature to shelter you from the storm. Oh, girl I got the right tactics to turn you on."

I think we need to turn some light on in here. Oh, it's a little bright. Ok. Um. I'm really appreciative for the different days of the week. One is gay day (my fav one), um and most of all what's another day? Name one. Menage trois day. That's a good one.

"Somebody's eyes are watching, somebody's eyes are following every move..."

Gina, you're distracting me, I'm losing thoughts.

Gina: "Cause she has thoughts to lose."

On the sidenote, people express their feelings by flirting. I have to jump around a little bit. The world needs affection.

"What about the world today? What about the place that we call home?"

That's an important one.

*Gina and Lauren have a beatdown at this point*

Ok. At dinner I pretty much got drunk because I had a whole bottle of grapefruit juice. Grape juice. Um, sometimes school and life itself gets stressful. So when you have problems just call this number...
Or to the direct line...

Ha! That's your house line!

"No it's not."

I would just like to say families slash relatives need to express their love for each other because time flies and time dies because the world is short with rude people and you never know this could be your last breath, so get it all out now.

My phone is ringing so I need to go answer it and I'll just catch up with you gators later.

P.S.~ Spread love. Not drugs. Say no to crack. And then write parenthesis literally.

Ok that's it. Adios amigos. Arivar. Bonjour. I'm speaking it's fine. And then, chao. Sweet.

Ok that's it we're done.

Love, Britt the typer and Lauren the sayer.

Britoseco (all 3 names combined). Enter.
Lauressicapet (all 3 names combined). Done.
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