Nov 28, 2004 09:59
Basically I've been just working hard in school then going out on the weekends
My car I've decided is hot... I am going to get dave to put tints on it so it looks even hotter
I hung out with Julia wednesday night shes a hottie oh hell yes I LOVE JULIA!!! We ate chinese and talked about awesome stuff! All in all julia is just to cool for school.
I went on a shopping spree the other day and realized I should work more... Haha oh yeah I might get a winter job
You know I am so glad I go to RHS because there is no drama haha at nhs there is still drama about me even after i switch schools. Let me tell you it is more funny than anything. Oh well I guess my only explaination is that I do what I want and I'm not sorry because well the reaction was nothing short of immature and childish. What little bit of a chance of reconciliation we had has just gone to hell. And one last thing trust me I don't like you that much either but I don't and I will not spend anytime talking shit about you even though you think I do. Sorry I am above that level and I've gotten over it why can't you? Honestly I just wish the hostility would be over with.
Anyways I just had to put that out there.
Anyways last night was awesome me and abby went out joejay told us there was a party so we bought caffiene pills opps i mean gum(CAFFIENE CAFFIENE!!!) hahaha. Well he gave us bad directions so we go to EL and pick up katie yay katie is awesome. So we drive by this house at least ten times. And abby waves so they wave back. So I turn the car around and I'm like were going in. haha So I roll down my window and I'm all like "Is dean here?" and one of em goes "I am dean" and were like yeah we'll park and come in. so then we park and walk up to the door and bolt cuz its sketchy haha. Then me and abby come back to my house and chill fun stuff.
So I can't wait till Christmas!!!! omfg tho midterms are before break thats like only 2 1/2 weeks holllly shit. I get to go to texas during break IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH! I get to see my dad awesome. I get to ride horses even better. And dads gonna teach me how to drive his Porsche sweeet.
Well I want I'm gonna end this entry here, I hope no one really gets offended by this entry but I'm going to speak my mind.