May 04, 2007 03:56
Hear ye hear ye! Grades are already coming in and so far its looking pretty good. I have an A in drawing (surprise surprise) and an A in HOnors US HIstory Since 1865. The last one was really pretty iffy considering that I pretty much bombed the test after spring break. The grades that the jury is still our on are the ones i'm most worried about though. Photography and Judicial Process I want an A in like nothing else in and Zani's English class i'm just praying for a B in. Everything has aligned in there this semester to screw me over at every turn no matter how well I think I'm doing and how prepared I am, something always goes wrong and it's just been a constant struggle so I'll semi-gracefully take a B and count my losses and move on. My spanish final is Monday at 11, but i'm not worried. It's the same as any regular test, no longer or harder so I should get an A on it and thus in the class. I would be surprised if I didn't. The paper situation is looking up though. Tomorrow I have six due. Right now I have two printed out and ready to turn in, one about 60% done, two about 40% done on each, and one I haven't started. The good news about hte one I haven't started yet is that 1) I technically have an extension I am praying god I don't have to use and 2) it's just like the other 13 papers we've written in his class this semester so, I think I can actually get it done once I get this mammoth under my belt.
I can't help comparing this situation to this tv show I watched last time I was home about anacondas. These people went wandering around in murky, leech infested water barefooted trying to find these gigantic things adn at one point the man found one attempting to eat a rather large bird. It had coiled itself around the poor animal and was attempting to swallow it whole, but kept getting caught on the wings so was having problems making progress. All of these papers are my bird and this judicial process research paper makes up the wings. Once I swallow it it's all tail and feet, but until I get it it's hard swallowing.
Mei Mei