At 11:30 AM on this fine day I officially finished my regular high school career and oh my god it feels great. I took Geometry and then English today. Ended up with B's for the semester in both I believe, for sure in English. After the lovely testing festivities me, Kelly, Brandon, Thomas, Lauren, and Talya all went to bubble island. Kelly left to go hang with the Lakers and Thomas adn I found a bunch of our own Lakers hanging in the same shopping center including Knic, Rachel, Sonia, Sidney, Michelle, Eric, and Josh. We hung out there for a bit and then walked down to Double Daves and ate lunch followed by a quick drive to Lauren's to drop her off and then a trip to Barnes and Noble. We had a good time, dropped Talya at the mall and Thomas at his house and then Brandon and I went and met up with his family at his aunt's house. I made small talk with Mrs. Wardlaw, in that awkward Ihopeyoudon'thateme kind of want. From there I dragged Brandon to get gelatto and got him to make my computer work better... Basically Brandon is my hero of the day and made it celebratory.
Anyway, tomorrow i'm going shopping with Mom and then working. Saturday is Lindsay's wedding and maybe Snow Patrol? And then Sunday is X3 with Beth. And Wednesday I'm getting my licence and Ezzy if everything goes as planned.
Now I will leave you with the latest sinfest: