"He did not look for him, he saw him. His eyes went towards him, naturally as if they had known in advance where he was.
He thought he saw himself, older, doubtless, not precisely the same in features, but alike in attitude and appearance, with that bristling hair, with those wild and restless eyeballs, with that blouse- just as was on the day he entered D__, full of hatred, and concealing in his soul that hideous hoard of frightful thoughts which he had spent nineteen years in gathering upon the floor of the galleys.
He said to himself; with a shudder: "Great God! shall I again come to this?
...It was done; he saw reappearing and living again around him, with all the frightfulness of reality, the monstrous visions of the past.
All this was yawning before him.
Stricken with horror, he closed his eyes, and exclaimed from the depths of his soul: "Never!" "
~Les Miserables
Victor Hugo
I love this book so much. And I love all the discussions i've gotten in with Mooney about it over TAKS week. Every cloud?
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