So, I know that there are hardcore fans of the Warhammer 40K minis game, and I know many of those people will swear that it's the greatest minis game for it's vast universe and it's massive support. I've never enjoyed it myself, as it's just not my kind of setting and I just could never get behind the massive amount of rules dictating every aspect of how things happened. Plus, even with my store discount, I find it stupid how much I would have to spend just to play.
Many of these people were also looking forward to the release of the "Dark Heresy" RPG from Black Industries, Sabertooth Games, and their parent company Games Workshop. 4 years in development, a year delayed from it's first announced release, and it came out this last friday.
The game sold out this weekend almost everywhere that could get it in time, and was hailed as a success by most I spoke to.
This news article greeted me today at work.
You see that Warhammer fans? That's Games Workshop and Black Industries giving you the finger. And they'll keep doing it so long as you keep coming back to them like abused Significant Others. The company could give a rat's ass about how much you like their universe, all they want is for you to eep pumping money into their overpriced game. And don't you dare start pointing to me and whining about how much you pay my salery, because you really don't. The buying terms for this crap is aweful for almost all buisnesses that are not directly owned by these jerks, and most of us barely break even when we subtract overhead and other fees.
I hate Games Workshop, and hold that they will never learn their lesson about how they treat their customers until enough of you switch to something else. Beleive me, there are plenty of other games to play, without nearly as much expense and constant edition screw-overs.