Hey! We won something! Ha! Last weekend at the arena trail, Rooster and I got our act together and actually won. This is our first herding win. Although it's not out in the big field, this arena trial isn't easy. The sheep want to escape to the exhaust, so you have to be very precise and we were. Yahoo! We did the key hole/through the barrels thing twice. I think the judge made us do it twice since we had time, which is ok and fun. Some other teams got it with more running around.
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It's nice to have this little victory before we go and get our butts kicked running open! Ha! I'm just hoping Rooster finds his sheep, so we can at least get a chance to run some of the course.
Next weekend is Kathy Knox. I'm looking forward to it! I'm hoping to get some good tips for shedding. This week will be get all the chores done that I can before the start of the next three weekends of sheep and dogs. I found out I'll be running on Friday and Saturday of Trailing the Sheep. At least I can take a leisurely trip home. I don't run until late on Friday. That gives some time in the morning because I'll probably get in late on Thursday.
I've had Beckit out in the pasture. She's showing me some good stuff and takes the pressure better than in the round pen. I tried to use Poppet to help. Um yeah. Dang old lady was lolly gagging around. Here's a short video because I can't watch all that's going on and video. Hopefully I'll get some more.
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Beckit continues to fit in well. She plays a lot with Rooster and will play with Noodle sometimes. Beep is still hanging in there. He still yells at me and has opinions about things. I just love that old guy!
That Zach is kind of a mean head! Ha ha ha ha ha!!