It's a good thing that the weekend was long! Lots going on, but also time to rest. Whew!
Friday start with a trip to Weiser to pick up some new to me dining room chairs. I had some second hand ones that didn't really match the pretty table my aunt made me. I found these and thought they matched nicely! I got all four for $50, so a steal of a deal!
New chairs to go with my table!
One of the stops was at the vet to get Beep tuned up. All the bones were in their proper place, but he was tight all down his back. He showed exactly where he was ouchy when she palpated. After a bunch of needles and some cold laser the difference was remarkable! Yahoo! We are swimming for 15 minutes three or four times a week. I won't add any more minutes because it starts to become very hard to keep weight on them all. We will add days once summer break starts.
Do what ever, I'm watching kitty tv.
Quit trying to steal my soul with that stupid phone!
On Friday and Saturday I took the horse trailer and took two separate sets of five sheep to another field just down the road. The field is rolling hills and about 150 plus acres. I used Poppet to unload the sheep and take them out and settle them. I'm guessing it was 250-300 yards. We have walked in this field, but haven't worked sheep in it. I took him out and he spotted his sheep and I sent him. He went pretty straight up the field and then stalled out a bit, I whistled an away and he took it. When I took the sheep it was sunny, the first outrun, the sky was darker and a light breeze, second one, the wind picked up and the cloud was closer. Third one I saw lightening! Yikes! So, I decided to pack them up. Well, this group thought getting in the trailer might not be a good idea so after some roundy, roundy the Yukon and trailer I got Poppet out to help. I must of told her to hurry up to loudly and she decided a walk was her speed. Oh my gosh! Finally got it sorted out where Rooster and I held the side and Poppet pushed. I got them back to the barn, fed and me back in the Yukon when it started to rain. Whew! Here's video of our outruns.
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Helper Poppet.
Saturday I did the same and took five sheep out to this field again. This time I set with Poppet in a totally different spot. He didn't seem to spot them this time, but ran out with confidence around a little knoll and found his sheep. Yahoo! We did several different outruns. I did one more big one, he over ran, but I'm not sure that he saw the sheep in between the two trees and I didn't whistle a stop for who knows what reason. Sheesh! Very fun to use a different field and get a different feel out of our sheep. As I was turning the trailer around in the driveway at the barn, I heard a pop and a bolt broke, so that was the end of trailering to the other field until I can get it fixed. That was ok though because then we did some small outruns, driving and today, cross driving using cones. Next weekend in a three day trial, first one of the season!
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On Sunday evening we officially celebrated the girlfriend's birthday. Tyler's family was in town to help celebrate, which was fun. We had their cake outside and the wind was blowing, so their candles wouldn't stay lit. Little Biff was quite concerned about blowing on a candle that wasn't lit. Ha! So cute! Nat, on the other hand, was willing to blow on hers. Both girls learned how to ride a bike without training wheels! So grown up!
How do you blow it out when it's not burning?!?!
Ok, I'll humor you all.
Safety Nat with her helmet had just gotten off her bike.
I was looking out the backdoor Sunday morning and noticed a rock chuck in the around the house no rock chuck zone. I picked up Noodle, told him to look, he spied it and he and Rooster took off after it. The Noodle is an merciful killer in that he dispatches them quickly.
Such a sweet face, impish face.
No rock chucks around the house!
I tried to do some subsoiling in that same field that we were working sheep. I didn't even make half a pass and got stuck. Oops! Tyler to the rescue! We pulled it out and put the tractors away. Ha!
Doesn't look stuck, but actually very stuck.
We have a really long cable!
I have some future dog names, and want to write them down somewhere so I remember. A listened to a book about the Romanov's and one of the wives of the prince's was Meecham. My father is Russian, so I like the thought of a Russian name. I've always enjoyed the Harry Potter series and when watching Fantastic Beast's there is a little creature that called Pickit that picks locks. I also just listened to Game of Thrones and one of the princes in the book is Ricken. So, Meecham, Pickit and Ricken.
Two days and two hours left with kids! Let the summer fun begin!