1. I am SO pumped to watch Grandpa in his panel tomorrow in Congress.
2. Uuuh, piano has taken over my life, and I'm surprisingly okay with it at this point.
3. I need more physical activity in my life, I feel soo lazy.
4. I need to buy a present for Caroline. Anyone know where I can FIND an Animal Collective CD? She wants new/different music.
5. I need to work out Christina's present but I'm not posting specifics because she'll prob. read this.
6. I'm sorta anxious about the recitals. I feel like I know the songs but not well enough but I'm SO nervous.
7. I'm starting to spaz about exams. They scare me. A lot. My grades are less borderline than last semester, but they are borderline nonetheless. In other words: I'm SCREWED.
8. My summer is turning out to be super busy again.
9. I don't know any boys and it depresses me sometimes.
10. This list was completely pointless. I think I'm going to read over Chem stuff to calm my nerves about exams.
ENTJ = teh roxxorz
Harry Potter Personality Quiz by
Pirate Monkeys Inc.