'Why Believe in a God? Just be Good' Ads Set to Run Next Week On D.C. Buses Ads proclaiming, "Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness' sake," will appear on Washington, D.C., buses starting next week and running through December. The American Humanist Association unveiled the provocative $40,000 holiday ad campaign Tuesday.
American Family Association President Tim Wildmon:
"How do we define 'good' if we don't believe in God? God in his word, the Bible, tells us what's good and bad and right and wrong. If we are each ourselves defining what's good, it's going to be a crazy world."
Thank you kindly, sir, for illustrating to succinctly the intellectual bankruptcy that plagues your beliefs.
Let's deconstruct:
1: "How do we define 'good' if we don't believe in God? God in his word, the Bible, tells us what's good and bad and right and wrong."
-So, in order to obtain and secure eternal salvation, you must prostrate yourself before god...and above all else...surrender your capacity for reason. This is the prevalent belief among the religious that is so, so damaging; that man is unable to determine, on his own, the difference between good and evil. That man is born, NOT as an infant with an open mind..and armed with the most powerful survival tool of the human animal: his mind.....but instead as a retarded lump of flesh and bone, unfortunately charged with a life, who will never survive unless TOLD what is right and wrong..what is good and evil...by someone or some thing.
This is the first and last beginning and end to the religious man's capacity for knowledge. This is how he sells his own capacity for reason and logic to the lowest bidder. He finds comfort in not having to use his mind....comfort in the ability to simply look to his book for solutions, and to find out how he should think or feel.
Don't even mention the fact that some people, because of their choice to live in this way and follow blindly the words of one prophet or another...choose to slaughter people in the hundreds of thousands in the name of their god. Well...they are simply worshipping the wrong God.
Oh. Ok.
2: "If we are each ourselves defining what's good, it's going to be a crazy world."
-And here's your Original Sin. Not only is a child born retarded, useless and completely defenseless....but also evil. Without GOD to tell us what is right and wrong...and without the fear of hellfire and want of heaven to steer us away from evil, it will always consume us.
Take not of those last few words: it will consume us.
In a thinking man's world, there are far fewer accidents than mistakes. 1 to 100...if that. To distract yourself with text messaging or changing CD's and crash into a telephone pole, then call it an "accident," is self-deceit. To make love to a girl, with or without protection, and end up with a child and call it an "accident," is self deceit. (I know very few men who have tripped over an inanimate object and fallen into a woman's vagina...although I'm sure it has happened at least once.)
It is easier to call such things and more "accidents," than, "mistakes," because a mistake invokes a lack of personal responsibility. To admit that you made a mistake is to admit that, although you were in control of your own fate, you made an error in judgment resulting in negative consequences. You were not responsible to your own self.
The easiest and most effective way of avoiding personal responsibility, and the resultant guilt of making mistakes, is to subvert your ability to think, and surrender it to the preacher. Let him tell you what to think, WHEN to think, when NOT to think, and how to think it. Let him tell you what to do and how to do it. Let him tell you that your observations, your judgment mean nothing, pail in comparison to the power of the holy word. Let him tell you, when you crash your car into that telephone pole, or get your prom date pregnant, that, "The lord works in mysterious ways." Let him also tell you this when you ask why your merciful God has brought plague and famine and pestilence and natural disasters and untold deaths to untold millions.
So if you forsake the word of god, evil will consume you. You will always make evil choices in favor of evil ends, without the word of god to steer you towards good. In fact, you are BORN evil...an evil little devil-child drowning in after-birth, until god saves you.
You are unable to survive on the power of your own mind and body alone. In fact, both are worthless...because it is not this life that matters, but the next.
Well...if that is the case, let yourselves die. No no, I won't stand in your way. I won't stop you. You can stop asking, I really won't. Run quickly to your god, and leave the rest of us here to live this life in the best manner possible. Leave us to pursue our happiness by the only means that have ever been possible; by making choices that favor good instead of evil. Our morals, although very similar to yours in nature and meaning, do not have some holy word or divine inspiration to support them. No, they have something much...much more powerful.
Our minds.