Pretty eventful weekend, compared to the last few. Went to Dave's derby party on Saturday, which was a blast, despite the huge fight (just made it more awesome IMHO.) We even sent a guy Snipe hunting (if you don't know how to hunt snipe, don't worry, you'll find out eventually.) I almost did it myself until I hard Snipe are to catch.
Sunday came to my folks house to house-sit while they're gone and do some laundry. Worked on the truck, played video games (I hooked the laptop up to their bigass HDTV via HDMI and played BF2142....fucking awesome,) played with the dog.
That morning, when I stepped out on the back porch for a post-coffee smoke, I noticed something odd-looking in the middle of the lake (Guist Creek lake), situated near the shallows where the bass and catfish like to spawn (and carp like to feed.) I went inside and grabbed the binoculars to take a closer look, and lo and behold, there it was. Even more hard to catch than the Snipe, it was the legendary and evasive TURTLE ORGY!!
Well actually, it was about 20 turtles lined up ass to snozz on a log sunning themselves, but the orgy idea is more fun.
I quickly snuffed my cigarette and grabbed my camera. Kodak EasyShare CX7300. This was pretty much the first affordable digital camera. 3.2 phone does better than that.
I tried to snap some pictures from the upper deck, but after I'd zoomed in so much the pictures came out all blurry. So, I grabbed the keys for the boat, ran down to the dock, knocked all the spiders off (big mutant spiders....if I wasn't so scared of them I'd lasso one and ride it to work,) and took the boat out for a closer shot.
Still had to zoom in all the way (couldn't get TOO close or I'd run aground), and pictures....still came out shitty.
Here's the ones that came out best. I tagged them if that helps.
Late that night, having my last smoke before bed, I heard the turtles groaning; a monotonous din rising above the melody of other lakeside sounds. It was as if the turtles were complaining that the sun went away, or maybe that they each had an ass in their face. I had to chuckle a little bit. I thought there was something philosophical about it would be the source of a sagacious aphorism a la Ben Franklin.
"Be not the last turtle on the log, else you'll smell everyone else's ass but have none to smell your own. And be not the middle turtle on the log, else, albeit you have someone to smell your ass, yet still you must smell the ass of the turtle in your front. But be the first turtle on the log....with your nose to the wind, and your wind to everyone else's nose."