Oct 24, 2005 20:51
I'm progressing, slowly but surely, into a social creature. Once thought to be condemned to a life of solitude and reflection, I feel as if I've flung myself head first into the world, as "real" as I perceive it to be. I'm treading water now, barely staying afloat, but I think the heavy duty life raft with beer cozy and inflatable pillow will be arriving shortly so that the journey won't seem as energy consuming as before. I have been writing down my ideas/thoughts/intentions/creations into a journal I bought a few months ago and never used. I intended it to be a sketchbook until I realized I couldn't draw that well, now I have written down ideas such as the one I created for those who habitually play video games, and how the energy of the universe is somehow becoming tied up into some sort of closed circuit system between the individual, the controller, the wiring, and the television. Since I shall probably win a Nobel prize for this discovery, after the publishing of my proposal, on the reversal of this negative feedback system through open communication with the wind (yes...that invisible force that ruins your new hairstyle on a particularly windy day) all this nonsense about self-esteem and worthiness will be forgotten. I mean...I have a speech prepared and everything...so there's no reason for it not to happen like this...right. Oh yes, I almost forgot about being accosted by mormons today. I felt as if they had faced enough rejection for the day so I calmly payed attention, accepted their book of mormon (which I read very little of) and gave a smile and a nod when they told me to come by for bible study. Mormons are funny little people...all dressing the same and what not. I have more to say about the encounter, but that is for a later date. I have video games to play.