Jun 23, 2005 13:08
I like backwards writing. It's distinguished. Makes me feel all classy inside, like a limo. Today was nice, chem lab was nice, my professor was nice. Transfered whores taking summer classes from Anderson...not so nice. Especially when my wonderful professor is trying to teach class, while they constantly roll their eyes, sigh loudly and talk to each other about how horribly boring the professor is (in a not so soft voice for everyone to hear). FYI: organic chem was not constructed to be entertaining for most people, but it's necessary to get your degree, and the few who do find it fascinating (organic chem professors) and like to talk at great length about it should not be belittled for doing so. It's about respect. RESPECT for the class and the teacher. After 2 hours of them making fun of and laughing at the professor I felt the overwhelming urge to punch them in the ovaries and send them back to bibile class at Anderson so that maybe they can learn something about not being douchbags. My professor actually apologized to them at the end of class for being so long-winded and boring. He shouldn't have to do that, it's HIS class and it's obvious how much he loves the field. Maybe I took their behavior a little too hard, but I still think they should get run over by a MITS bus in the near future.
P.S. I made a mirror in a test tube today in lab, if anyone would like to check that out...RCHO+2Ag(NH3)+2+2HO- -> 2Ag+RCO-2NH+4+H20+3NH3= how much i will rock your face off.