A distance there is

May 20, 2006 14:25

A while back (in February, I believe) I did a project for History class. The subject was Medieval Love, and I thought, hey... I like photography. Why not...?
So I asked two classmates of mine (Gabriel and Ylva) to participate, and this was the result. These are totally unedited (unsharpened etc.), so you'll have to excuse the poor quality of these-- still, I think I did an okay job, considering I had very little time to set this up... and considering it was fucking freezing outside, and I had to encourage my poor models every second: "Yes, I know you're freezing to death, but remember what I said about sacrificing yourself for the sake of art...?"

I'll probably retouch them or something later, but right now I just don't have the energy (it took me 2 hours to scan them in the first place... aargh).

All of these pictures are taken right outside my school, on one of the hills surrounding it.

Yeah... maybe Ylva should've removed the hairband from her arm? ><;

Jewellery crafted by Monica Aho, a friend of the family. I thought it would look kind of nice on Ylva for this shoot.

I was advised to take another picture similar to the this one (see below), because Ylva was certain her expression had been all wrong.

The sky was a beautiful purple shade (it was just before sundown). You'll just have to imagine it, I guess. This one is a bit more dramatic, no?

Gabriel certainly looks like he's hit the jackpot, doesn't he. It's my dress Ylva's wearing, by the way - I made it myself. (yay)

This looks sort of intimate. I feel almost guilty looking at them. Like I'm interrupting something.

Gabriel looks so protective. This is one of my favourites.

"Lie down on the snow, you guys! I've got an idea!" "But we'll die from the cold!" "Yeah, well, we've all got our problems. Err, NOW, please?"

Snow!hug, soon to be snow!sex. ... in an alternate reality.

But of course we couldn't stay serious.
Gabriel: "Take this leaf as a token of my everlasting love for thee!"
Ylva: "Aaaaargh! Thou art SO unromantic, thou common peasant thou! Thou art not worthy of me!

So... tell me what you think?
Next up: the lesbo nude love photos. If I dare upload them, that is, hahaha.


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