Nov 25, 2005 00:03
Hey all, I know I don't update this pretty much at all, hell, I usually don't feel like I have to considering I chat with just about everyone on my friends list here regularly...but's a real update just cause I'm bored and incase anyone feels they could use an update on the inigma that is me.
This year is the eve of what may be, hopefully, the most definitive year of my life. I'm hoping that next year will bring about much change and newfound independence in my life...or at least get me started on that journey. If lsu doesn't accept me for next semester then I'll get a job or two at home. That way, I can have money saved up. Hopefully I won't need it for a place to live immediately, in any case I'd like to get into the dorms and get financial aid of some sort for that. But ya know, if the financial aid doesn't work out, it'd help to have the money...or even if I decide to look for an apartment, it'll help with that once I find a job in baton rouge. The idea would be to have someone else live with me in an apartment and split rent and whatnot, but hopefully I can have a year or so to work and consider my options instead of HAVING to find an apartment immediately.
Besides the move of location and entering of school, there's another great change I'm hoping to make in my life. I'm completely and totally in love with thea...I think everyone knows this by now, but if you do. Anyways, I'm hoping my change of location will allow me to pursue a more regular relationship with her. Hell, I hope that her and I can pursue a much stronger and more stable relationship then I've ever had before. But I know that she's never had a relationship before so I also hope to not move too fast and overwhelm her. But I dunno, she's timid but I sense a spark between us waiting to ignite ^__^
This year has been a really trying year for me. It's been full of confusion and too much time in front of a computer. I sometimes catch myself thinking in binary. But ya know, with all the complaining I may do, with all the self centered behaviour and being a jerk or a jack ass, I know one thing now that I'd never known before. I'm happy with myself, I'm a happy person, I'm not sure where it happened, but I'm happy.
My stepmom, angela, asked me the other day what I wanted for Christmas. I paused for a second, and I responded "nothing". I realized that I have everything I've ever needed and more. I have a loving family. I have a wonderfully loving girlfriend/best friend. I have intellegence and character. I have a life of mental and physical ease. What more could I possibly want? Well, for starters a college education and more time with thea....but ya know those aren't for my family to provide, that's for me to earn and be proud of earning it cause I did it myself. As god as my witness *yeah, I believe in god, don't worry my friends I'm not christian* I will make this upcoming year MY year to do something, my year to stand up and make something of myself. I mean, I don't expect to get a lot done in just one year, but I can sure get a decent foundation. If things don't go my way, I'll find another way and try again. I have a lot of plans. If I'm not accepted into lsu, I'll work until next semester. If I don't get financial aid, I'll take out a loan or borrow the money unless I find someone to live with at baton rouge. But you can all bet to hear about me in the upcoming year pursuing my education and pursuing the woman I love. Because, call me crazy, it's all that really matters.