It's all true to me. I'm Sorry if I disappoint you.

Aug 12, 2001 23:32

1. I hurt: Most of the time.
2. I love: My brother, Patrick.
3. I hate: Myself.
4. I cry: Every night.
5. I fear: Being forgotten, being the last to remember.
6. I hope: To make a real friend, Die.
7. I sadden: Far too easily.
8. I feel alone: Every second of my life.
9. I kill: Myself in all my fantasies.
10. I talk: To myself, My cat.
11. I listen: To an ecclectic assortment of mp3's.
12. I break: My Mirrors (One day my reflection will stay shattered).
13. I see: My fantasy future behind closed eyes.
14. I smell: Green tea.
15. I taste: Blood.
16. I work: In a hospital, At a pharmacy.
17. I remember: Everything down to the last detail; like a picture.
18. I hold: My furry grey cat (so soft).
19. I hide: From everyone.
20. I pray: That I'll find a way out.
21. I walk: To a rhythm inside my head; like a dance.
22. I drive: To the middle of no where.
23. I read: Old Email, Anne Rice, Grade School notes.
24. I burn: My arms.
25. I breathe: When I must.
26. I play: With html, disposable razors, matches.
27. I miss: My Grandmother, Amanda, Tigger.
28. I touch: The sleave of my Frenchies sweater (Soft like my kitty).
29: I learn: Useless archeological facts, mythology, useless trivia.
30. I feel: Alone and broken.
31. I know: I'm meant to be alone forever.
32. I said: Leave me alone.
33. I dream: About being happy.
34. I have: All I need for now (Soft sweater and kitty).
35. I want: To be held.
36. I fall: From bridges, Within my nightmare.
37. I wait: For no one.
38. I need: To be needed.
39. I live: For Amanda.
40. I die: In my fantasies and dreams.
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