bad poetry oh noetry

Feb 14, 2010 22:10

I am re-posting some poems I found way back in my archives.

jo i shall use joanna, for more letters

J, Jerky, beef jerky, you kept it in your dressing gown
O, ovulation, we are syncronised (actually I don't think that is true)
A, arsenic, I did not put it in your tea
N, the neon sign outside our window
N, never tell...
A, ahhh, my jo, they cannot know

S, the saltanas you kept in your ears and up your nose
T, your taut proud buttocks
E, elephants never forget
P, your hands inside my petticoat
H, Hamburger, to me you shall always be, Stephanie Hamburger

S, somebody told me that you had a boyfriend that looked like a girlfriend that I had in febuary
A, articulate beyond compare, you dressed possums in your underwear
M, madam bovary is a boring book
I, intensely boring book
R, ridiculously boring book
A, amidala, as in queen amidala played by natalie portman who is hot like you samira
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